Local Groups

Local Groups

Air Cadets - 2385 Squadron  Melksham - meets Wednesday and Fridays 7pm to 9.30pm - Tel:  01225 700979 - https://2385atc.wixsite.com/home

Avon Bowls Club - Melksham House - Tel:  07884977880 or https://www.lovebowls.co.uk/home

Bowerhill Busy Bees - Quilting and patchwork - alternate Fridays at Bowerhill Village Hall - Tel:  01225 708600 

Bowls Club at Spencers Melksham - https://www.spencermelkshambowlsclub.co.uk/

Craft, Coffee and Chat - Bowerhill Village Hall - alternate Fridays 1-4pm - Tel:  01225 436621

Melksham and District Flower Arrangement Society - Tel:  01225 707419

Melksham and District Historical Association - normally meets the 3rd Thursday of the month in the Assembly Hall, Melksham

Melksham and District Bee Keeping - https://www.mbka.org/

Melksham Music and Drama (MMAD) - local amateur drama group

Melksham Rock 'n' Roll Club - https://www.melkshamrockandroll.co.uk/

Piecemakers Quilters - 3rd Monday of the month at Forest Community Centre and 2nd Saturday of the month at Bowerhill village hall.  Contact Vicki Dorey 07734320548
